Declaration of a Significant Weather Event

Peterborough County may declare a significant weather event following a weather alert issued by Environment Canada.  During a significant weather event, residents are advised to use caution and are reminded that winter maintenance service levels for roads may not be met. 

Check out the Seven Steps to Cold Weather Safety and Be Prepared!

What is a significant weather event?

A significant weather event is defined as an approaching or occurring weather hazard with the potential to pose a significant danger to the users of highways within a municipality. When hazardous weather is expected, Environment Canada will issue an alert under its Public Weather Alerting Program

Peterborough County wishes to note that the declaration of a significant weather event only addresses the timelines and does not reduce the standard level of service provided. The declaration is to notify the residents of Peterborough County, that due to the current forecasted conditions, caution is to be exercised when travelling on County maintained roads and to drive according to road conditions until plows have serviced them.

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparedness is everyone's responsibility. Peterborough County, lower-tier municipalities and residents each have roles to play in preparing for emergencies.

Peterborough County's Emergency Plan outlines the key functions and responsibilities of the County should a state of emergency be declared by County Council. 

All residents should be prepared to be self-sufficient for up to three days in the event of an emergency. Learn how you can prepare for an emergency by building emergency kits.

To be prepared and stay safe during extreme weather events or other safety risks, review the Peterborough County Emergency Preparedness Information and Guide.