Peterborough County Public Works Divisions and Contact Numbers
Operations  705-742-4862 or after hours 705-742-6823Engineering & Design705-743-0380Waste Management705-743-0380
Mailbox Damage Entrance/Set Back Permit Adopt a Road Program
Drainage Issues Road Cut Permit Campground/Resort Program
Potholes Oversize/Overweight Permit Composting/Organics
Reduced Load Restrictions Severance/Zoning/Development Application Electronic Recycling
Road Kill/Trees/Debris on County Roads Sign Permit Household Hazardous Waste
Washout/Erosion Special Events Permit  
Winter Road Conditions Speed Limits  
  Street Lighting  
  Traffic Counts/Traffic Signals  
  Utility Applications  

 Other FAQ's

  1. How will I be notified before major construction begins in my area? For substantial construction projects we advertise in local newspapers, post notices on the County website and hand deliver notices to area residents to let you know about Public Information Centres (PICs).  PICs are a drop-in type of format where study material and display boards related to the project will be available to review and discuss with the Project Team.  We encourage you to attend PICs, it’s your opportunity to ask questions and provide comments about the project. 
    For major projects we may also use social media, follow us on     

  2. Will Emergency Services (Fire, Police, and Ambulance) still be able to get to my home? Yes, the County provides updates on road closures to Emergency Services at all times. Emergency services will be aware of access issues in your areas.

  3. How does the County determine if a road requires reconstruction/rehabilitation? Inspections are carried out annually; the Pavement Condition Index system is used to determine the need and timing for a road to be rehabilitated or reconstructed.

  4. Does garbage and recycling pickup change while my road is under construction? Continue to place your garbage and recycling out by 7:00 am on your usual collection day. If there are any changes to the collection schedule or placement of garbage and recycling, you will be notified by the County. 

  5. How many kilometres of roads are there in Peterborough County? There are 710 kilometres of 2-lane roads in the County.

  6. Can I drive my Off-Road Vehicle (ORV)/All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) on County roads? The County has a By-Law to regulate the operation of ORVs / ATVs on highways and roadways within its jurisdiction.  Schedule A of the By-law lists the sections of road(s) where ORV / ATV use is permitted.

  7. Who do I call to report noxious weeds on the roadside? To report sightings of noxious weeds on Township or County Roads contact your local municipality.