Peterborough County's online Geographic Information System (GIS) is built to get you connected. Explore our collection of map layers and connect places with the information, images, and web links that describe them. Use the search, drawing, measurement, and print tools to create the map you need.
Let Me Map 2.0 is here!
During this transition period, we appreciate any feedback that you may have:
Please note that this application may take time initially to load data on your browser. As you use it more often, you'll enjoy faster speeds, shorter load times, and smoother interactions.
Please Note: the Web-GIS may be temporarily unavailable for 15-20 minutes due to site servicing on Fridays between 4:00pm - 4:30pm
View video tutorials to help you navigate and use our new Let Me Map 2.0 web-GIS.
Retiring November 29, 2024. Please visit our new mapping tool, Let Me Map 2.0.
View the printable maps of the County that we have available.