The Community Paramedicine Program will help those experiencing health issues stay healthy at home and avoid trips to the doctor, emergency room, or a move into a long-term care home.

By remotely monitoring their health, detecting and addressing health concerns quickly, and passing health information onto physicians, this program creates an environment that is safe to age at home.

The Community Paramedicine (CP) Program will be staffed by 11 full-time PCCP and is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. 

To apply for the Community Paramedicine Program for yourself or a family member, please complete the Self/Family Referral Form.

Program Self/Family-Referral Form 

If you are a healthcare provider referring a patient, please complete the Healthcare provider Referral Form. 

Health Care Provider Referral Form


Eligible Patients

There are three categories of patient eligibility for the Community Paramedicine Program:

  • Those on the wait list for long-term care
  • Those who have been assessed as eligible for long-term care by a LHIN Care Coordinator (Not yet on the wait list)
  • Those who are soon to be eligible for long-term care

The criteria for individuals soon to be eligible for long-term care include:

  • Individual is identified as needing or waiting for a LHIN Care Coordinator to assess eligibility for long-term care
  • Individual has specific circumstances or conditions that would benefit from Community Paramedicine services (e.g., conditions that would benefit from remote monitoring) and help the individual avoid hospitalization or long-term care

Services Monitored 

  • Thorough patient assessments including cardiac, respiratory, neurological, GI, GU and other body systems
  • Vital signs assessment: GCS, temp, RR, BP, HR, pupils, and SP02
  • Cardiac monitoring: Lead II, 12/15 Lead capabilities
  • Blood glucose testing inclusive of A1C
  • Point of care blood testing
  • Point of care urinalysis
  • Coagulation testing
  • Chronic disease management, particularly for COPD, CHF, and diabetes
  • Assessment of high utilization users of 911/ED services
  • Remote patient monitoring services
  • Addition of comprehensive medial directives that would allow Community Paramedics to provide in-home treatment for:
Pain relief Nausea/Vomiting
Bronchoconstriction IV Therapy
Analgesia Musculoskeletal Pain

Endotracheal and tracheostomy 

suction and reinsertion


The scope of the CP program is flexible and scalable. Additional skills, treatments, and diagnostic assessments can be added upon the determination of need.