Backyard Composting
Why Compost?
Composting Reduces Waste and Helps the Environment
Composting your kitchen and yard waste helps reduce the amount of waste going into our landfills which in turn reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Homemade compost reduces the need for purchased fertilizer that rely on fossil fuels for creating and shipping.
Compost is Good for Soil and Plant Health
Compost has many benefits for your garden. Compost helps attract and support beneficial micro-organisms. Compost can also improve the quality of your soil no matter the type and provide a boost to plant growth.
Composting Helps Manage Your Waste
Almost all the organic waste you accumulate can be added to your composter. This process is a sustainable way to manage and repurpose your waste. Backyard Composting reduces the amount of waste handled by municipal collection which can help keep the cost of the program and impact on taxes low.
What type of composter is right for you?
Check out the information sheets below to determine whether a backyard composter or digester will work best for your needs.
Composter Information Sheet
Digester Information Sheet
Where to get a composter?
If you would rather pick up your composter from the County, we sell composters ($30) and digesters ($60) at our Planning and Public Works Department Office at 310 Armour Road. They may also be available at your local Township office, please contact them directly to ensure they have stock.
What else can you do to reduce backyard waste?
We encourage grasscycling and mulching as an excellent way to reduce backyard waste and improve lawn health.
- Grasscycling is allowing the grass clippings to stay on the lawn to compost
- Cut no more than 1/3 the length of the grass
- Cut only when the grass is dry to the touch
- A mulching mower is not needed