Proposed Redline Revised OP
The County's new Official Plan was originally adopted by County Council in June 2022. It has been with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing awaiting approval since that time. In October 2024, a new Provincial Planning Statement (PPS 2024) took effect. This Statement replaced both the 2020 Provincial Policy Statement and the 2019 Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Since the adopted Official Plan was prepared under and heavily influenced by the Growth Plan, it is now out of date with the in-effect legislation (PPS 2024).
In December 2024 County Council provided authorization to proceed with a consultation process to update the new Official Plan with revisions which would implement the new PPS. The Official Plan Redline Revision Process report to Council provides all relevant background information.
Proposed Changes 
At this time, the County is only proposing changes to policies which would bring the adopted Official Plan into alignment with the 2024 PPS. No additional or site/property specific changes will be considered. Furthermore, no mapping changes are being made at this time. Only those sections highlighted in red in the Redline Revised Version of the new Official Plan are being considered.
There are some proposed policies, specifically in the natural heritage designations, which do require mapping changes. These draft policies outline the County's intended approach and describes areas which would be subject to the policies. We understand that the Province may not approve these changes due to their close link with Official Plan Land Use Schedules, but are provided for transparency.
Official Plan Amendments which have been approved in the interim period from June 2022 through to today have also been included in the Local Component as they have already gone through a public process, and the County is requesting that they be carried forward.
Other minor language changes have been included which provide additional clarity for the reader or reflect updates to other legislation, strategic plan(s) or transfers of service delivery from one agency to another.
Open House and Public Meeting
A virtual public Open House and a hybrid Public Meeting will be held to allow the public with an opportunity to provide input on the proposed changes. A formal Notice of Public Open House and Public Meeting has been circulated in accordance with the Planning Act. The dates and times of the meetings are as follows:
- Open House - Tuesday February 25, 2025 - 4:00 p.m.
- Public Meeting - Wednesday March 5, 2025 - 9:30 a.m.
Registration for both the Open House and the Public Meeting is required. See the Notice for details on how to register.
Commenting Period
Comments on the Redline Revised Version of the new Official Plan are now being accepted either via email to, or by mailing hard copy written comments to the Planning Department at 470 Water Street, Peterborough, ON, K9H 3M3.
The commenting period will close on March 5, 2025 at 4:30p.m.
Next Steps
Once a public meeting has been held, all comments will be reviewed and considered. A report outlining public, agency and First Nation comments will then be presented to County Council. With Council's support, the Redline OP (and any supported changes as a result of consultation) will be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for their consideration and approval.
The County anticipates the need for a housekeeping Official Plan Amendment to the new Official Plan once it has been approved by the Province. The housekeeping Amendment would make the necessary mapping changes and pick up any textual policy changes that are unable to be captured through Ministerial approval.