The County of Peterborough has prepared a new Official Plan to set the vision and direction for growth and development to the year 2051.

Proposed Redline Revisions to Adopted Official Plan

Due to legislative changes since the time the new Official Plan was originally adopted, the County is seeking feedback on proposed modifications to the Plan which would bring it into conformity with the new Provincial Planning Statement. Learn more about this process on our redline revisions page.

Adoption of Official Plan

On June 29, 2022, Peterborough County Council adopted the Official Plan through By-law Number 2022-47. The new Official Plan requires final approval from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing prior to coming into effect. The Council meeting can be viewed in full on the County's YouTube channel and the Notice of Adoption has been provided in accordance with the Planning Act.

Provincial Approval

The new County Official Plan was formally submitted to the Province for approval on July 11, 2022. On June 21, 2023 it was posted to the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) for a period of 60 days for review and comment. 

Read the New Official Planimage of new official plan cover

The new County Official Plan, as amended and adopted by Council, is available. This new Official Plan does not come into effect until it receives approval from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

All schedules to the new Official Plan are available separately below.

Official Plan Schedules

The new Official Plan includes a set of schedules for each Township as well as a Natural Heritage System schedule, which is applicable to the entire County.

The schedules for Cavan Monaghan do not include land use designations since the Township has chosen to maintain its own Official Plan. However, the County is required by the Provincial Growth Plan to identify the agricultural system for the Township and delineate the settlement area boundary for Millbrook.

Background Information and Reports

Throughout the development of the new Official Plan, the following information, reports and materials have been made available. Public consultation resulted in a significant number of changes to the new Official Plan prior to its adoption by County Council.