
Peterborough County is the upper-tier municipal government that is comprised of eight lower-tier municipalities.

Municipality of Trent Lakes

  • Mayor: Terry Lambshead
  • Deputy Mayor: Carol Armstrong

Selwyn Township

  • Mayor: Sherry Senis
  • Deputy Mayor: Ron Black

Township of Asphodel-Norwood

  • Mayor: Pat Wilford
  • Deputy Mayor: Lori Burtt

Township of Cavan Monaghan

  • Mayor: Matthew Graham
  • Deputy Mayor: Ryan Huntley

Township of Douro-Dummer

  • Mayor: Heather Watson
  • Deputy Mayor: Harold Nelson

Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen

  • Mayor: Jim Martin
  • Deputy Mayor: Hart Webb

Township of North Kawartha

  • Mayor: Carolyn Amyotte
  • Deputy Mayor: Jim Whelan

Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan

  • Mayor: Joe Taylor
  • Deputy Mayor: Bonnie Clark


Council Meetings
Virtual Council Meetings

Click here for information on how to access the live stream County Council Meetings. 

County YouTube - See both live and previous Council meetings. 

County Council meetings occur on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. (unless otherwise amended by County Council) and are open to the public.

Council meetings are held (unless otherwise noted) at:

Peterborough County Court House

470 Water Street, Peterborough

(705) 743-0380


Summer Recess

There are no Regular Council meetings in July.

Special Council Meetings

The County of Peterborough will provide Public Notice for any Special Council Meetings.

Agendas and Minutes

Code of Conduct for Council and Local Boards

Members of Council have the privilege of attaining elected office. That privilege carries significant responsibilities and obligations with respect to the public trust. In order to strengthen the role of Council and to enhance public trust with respect to the obligations of its Members, this Code is established to govern and regulate the ethical conduct of all Members. This Code also supplements other existing Federal and Provincial legislation and County by-laws and policies that govern Members’ conduct which include but are not limited to the following:


  • Criminal Code of Canada
  • Municipal Act
  • Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
  • Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Planning Act
  • County of Peterborough Procedural By-law
  • County of Peterborough Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy


At the meeting of February 19, 2020, the Code of Conduct for Council and Local Boards was approved by Council.

Closed Meeting Investigator

Section 239.2(1) of the Municipal  Act authorizes the County to appoint an investigator to investigate in an independent manner whether the municipality has complied with section 239 of the Act or of the procedural by-law in respect of a meeting or part of a meeting that was closed to the public and to report on that investigation.  If no investigator is appointed, the Ombudsman appointed pursuant to the Ombudsman Act shall be the municipal investigator. 

In accordance with the Ombudsman Act, under Bill 8, the Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act, 2014, the Ombudsman was appointed authority to investigate complaints about closed municipal meetings held under the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.  The Investigator as such shall conduct investigations upon receipt of a request to determine compliance with the Act or the Municipal Procedural By-law and to report on the result of such investigation.

Procedure - Members of the public, including corporations, may submit complaints to the Ombudsman relating to compliance with the Municipal Act or the Municipal Procedure By-law for meetings or part of meetings that are closed to the public. All complaints will be treated as confidential at all times.


Complaints should be submitted directly to the Ombudsman's office on their prescribed form which can be found on their website. All complaints must contain the following information:


  1. Name of Municipality
  2. Complainant's name, mailing address, telephone number and email address (if  applicable)
  3. Date of Closed Meeting under consideration
  4. Nature and Background of the particular occurrence
  5. Any activities undertaken (if any) to resolve the concern
  6. Any other relevant information
  7. Original signature


Inquiries and complaints may be submitted by telephone to the Provincial Ombudsman at 1-800-263-1830 during regular office hours.

Municipal Councillor's Guide
2018 Ontario Municipal Councillor's Guide