Peterborough County is an upper-tier municipality comprised of eight lower-tier municipalities.

Warden's Office
For over 180 years, a Warden has served as the leader of Peterborough County.
Our current Warden is Deputy Mayor for the Township of Otonabee -South Monaghan,
Bonnie Clark. 
To request a delegation with Peterborough County Council, please fill out the form and our Clerk's Department will be in touch.

Peterborough County is the upper-tier municipal government that is comprised of eight lower-tier municipalities.

Commissioning services are available by appointment only and proof of vaccination will be required to enter any County facility.

Municipal Elections are held every 4 years on the fourth Monday in October.

"Freedom of Information" (FOI) is a term referring to legislation which, in the municipal context, is known as the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

Peterborough County works to identify, assess and prioritize risks, and works to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events.

The 2024 Peterborough County Community Recognition Awards will be held on Thursday May 16, 2024.

County Council adopts by-laws under the authority of the Municipal Act. Check out the Peterborough County Portal for Frequently Requested By-laws.

The County of Peterborough has compiled a resource listing for election candidates for your use as required.