Application for Plan of Subdivision

Posted on Tuesday July 02, 2024
Key Map
Key Map

The County of Peterborough received an application for a plan of subdivision in accordance with Sections 51 (17) and 51(19.1) of the Planning Act. The application was assigned file number 15T-18002. The County of Peterborough granted Draft Plan approval to this application September 22, 2021. No appeals were received therefore the effective date for the approval is October 15, 2021. The County has previously provided Notice of Complete Application, Notice of Public Meeting and Notice of Decision in accordance with the Planning Act.

All written and oral submissions relating to this application were given due consideration, allowing the approval authority to make an informed decision.

Location, Purpose and Effect of the Application
A key map indicates the location of the lands which are subject to the above stated applications at Part Lots 11 & 12, Concession 6 in the Cavan Ward having the municipal addresses of 862 Fallis Line and 1080 County Road 10. 

The subdivision application proposes a fully urbanized development on full municipal water and sewer systems.  The development consists of 718 residential units (331 single detached, 194 townhouses, 193 apartment type) and an assisted living building and active seniors building. In addition, there are 13 internal streets and numerous blocks for a variety of uses such as environmental protection, open space, storm water control, parkland and institutional.  A series of trails will connect with existing trails located south of the development site.

The development is proposed to be constructed in phases which will be coordinated with the municipality in accordance with the phasing of servicing on the site. 

Public Meeting
A Public Meeting was hosted by the Township of Cavan Monaghan on March 25, 2021. Details can be found in the minutes of the public meeting.

Supporting Studies and Materials
In support of the applications, the following documents / studies were submitted:

 * Due to file size, not all studies have been uploaded to this website. Please contact the County Planning Department for a copy.

** Note that the County cannot provide copies of Archaeological Assessments to members of the public. As a condition of their licence, archaeologists must document the results of the fieldwork they carry out in Ontario by filing archaeological reports with the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism. Any member of the public can request a copy of any report in the register by contacting the Ministry directly.

Related Applications
The Township of Cavan Monaghan also processed a related Official Plan Amendment (file OPA-01-18) and Zoning By-Law Amendment (file ZBA-07-18). 

Public Consultation
The public consultation phase of this application is now closed. Any questions about this application should be directed to the Peterborough County Planning Department.


County of Peterborough
470 Water Street
Peterborough, ON
K9H 3M3

Tel: (705) 743-0380